
The Vault

Tell us about the vault

I worked for many years in Investor Relations at one of the biggest banking groups in Africa. I remember when I started everything was very manual and very little had been automated. In all fairness, ‘automating the function’ only became sexy circa 2017. However, even before this time, our frustrations with everyday manual processes were driving us crazy. It didn’t take long before our IR… Read More »Tell us about the vault


Why choose Wiehe Communications?

Wiehe Communications is an interactive communications agency that operates at the intersection of finance, marketing, sales and information technology. In my years in the corporate world, this intersection became obvious to me – perhaps it was more of a chasm – and was first observed between the marketing and finance departments. Turns out they don’t speak the same language! Must be all those acronyms in… Read More »Why choose Wiehe Communications?